Reputation and Social Management

Social and reputation management form part of the same basic operations due to many social networks now providing ratings and commenting. There are some rating-only sites around but (we believe) they are reducing in value.

Social management concentrates on content curation and marketing, namely making posts on your behalf on your social media to engage your clients. This is a form of marketing and its effectiveness depends on your engagement with the process.

Facebook Insights for posting and engagement

If you are in constant contact with us and can provide information, we can certainly manage the graphics/message and schedule for effective media campaigns. Usually a combination of original and shared content is used as you are not always in possession of something to say – and sharing for the sake of sharing is quickly becoming inefficient.

Furthermore, some social media sites have change their engagement policies, meaning how you post, when and how you buy views also changes.

Reputation management, now embedded in several social platforms, is about seeing and replying to reviews and write-ups of your business, people or services. It is about responding properly (not defensively) to attacks and promoting recommendations.

Essentially, if you are not tech-savvy or you do not have the time or manpower to take-on consistent (which is the key) care of your online presence(s), we can do this for you.

Canadian Social Media

Source: StatCounter Global Stats – Social Media Market Share

United States Social Media

Source: StatCounter Global Stats – Social Media Market Share